Yoga for humanity, focuses on encouraging people to stay motivated and to have a healthy lifestyle by practising yoga regularly.
If you are a parent who establishes healthy habits in their children at an early age, introduce yoga to them for their enhanced personality.
On this page there are few simple and effective yoga poses for the family to do together, so let’s get started!

Yoga (union) is the practice of integrating our body, mind, and spirit

Yoga helps establish healthy habits in children at an early age. It brings in them strength, coordination and flexibility. Moreover, this practice can improve focus, memory, academic performance, and can even destress them.

- Concentrate on having fun with movement, instead of focusing on perfectly aligned poses.
- Alter the yoga positions to suit your children’s needs.
- Add playfulness be creative to maintain their interest. Please be safe.
- Kid’s Yoga session should be not more than 20 minutes.
- Each pose should ideally be held anywhere from 10-15 seconds or longer, depending on the age of the child.
- Wear loose clothing and practice barefoot.
- Practice on empty or light stomach
Practice Yoga asanas along with your kids, and encourage them to do it daily. Do it as a family fun activity by starting small, such as each asana only for 3 times in the beginning. Starting small gets big results!
Let’s begin our yoga session by focusing on breathing
1- Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Sukhasana is called the pleasant pose, it acts as a starting point for many asana and pranayama
- Sit crossed legged with heels under opposite thighs and ankles crossed.
- Keep your body straight, place hands on knees, palms downwards.
- Bring your attention to your breathing
- Breathe in, and observe it
- Breathe out and observe it
- Whatever thoughts come in your mind, don’t try and stop them simply acknowledge them and let go.
- Bring your attention back to your breaths.
- Close your eyes and relax.
- Concentrate on your breathing.
- Corrects your posture
- Increases flexibility of knees and ankle
- Establishes inner harmony
- Removes muscular and nervous tension.
International Yoga Day is celebrated on the 21st of June. This day was designated as International Yoga Day in 2014 by UNO on public demand.
International Yoga Day is celebrated in India, USA, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, China, Australia, and some other countries of South Asia.
2- Bitilasana (Cow Pose)

- Begin with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
- Start with your spine in a “neutral” or long position, then gently lift your heart and tailbone so your back gently curves downward.
- Look slightly upward in a relaxed manner and breathe gently.
- Return to the original position and repeat for repetitions as desired
- Strengthens spine, wrists and shoulders.
- Massages the digestive organs
- Improves digestion
- Improves blood circulation
3- Ekpadasana (One Leg Pose)

- Stand erect with the feet together and arms alongside the body
- Place right foot on the inside of your left thigh. Join your hands into the namaste position.
- Breathe normally and smile
- Maintain the pose between 20 sec and 3 minutes (according to your practice)
- Repeat with the other leg
- Beginners can take help of the wall when trying to place your leg
- Repeat for repetitions as desired
- Relaxes the muscles of legs
- Helps with nerve control
- Teaches to maintain balance
- Helps in neuromuscular coordination
- Helps increasing concentration

4- Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

- Lie on the stomach with legs pointing out & heels together
- Place palms on the floor, elbows close to your body
- Push head and shoulders backwards without pressure on the palms
- Do not lift higher than the navel region
- Keep head raised up in the final position
- Now, slowly return to the original position by exhaling
- Repeat for repetitions as desired
- Stimulates appetite and it’s good for digestion
- Keeps your backbone flexible
5- Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)

- Begin on all fours, with your hands shoulder width apart and your knees hip width apart.
Keep your arms strong and elevate your knees off the floor to level your body up. - Push harder with your arms until your feet are completely on the ground, your knees are straight, and your back is straight.
- Keep breathing normally and then return to the original position.
- Repeat for desired repetitions.
- Tones and strengthens hands and feet
- Improves blood circulation
- Reduces stress and anxiety
6- Naukasana (Half-Boat Pose)

- Begin by sitting comfortably on your mat, with your hands at your sides and your shoulders and head completely relaxed.
- Inhale deeply and begin lifting your feet off the floor.
- Keep your knees bent at first, then slowly stretch your legs forward to bring your shins parallel to the floor.
- This is the half boat pose. Your arms will be fully stretched ahead with palms facing inwards.
- Hold this posture for as long as you’re comfortable, and make sure you’re breathing normally.
- Always remember that keeping your back straight is the most important thing you can do.
- Slowly lower your legs and return to the original position.
- Repeat the asana for desired repetitions.
Strengthens the abdomen and hip muscles and overall core strength

7- Anjaneyasana (Leg-Spilt Pose)

- Start by getting on your fours with arms shoulder-width apart, and knees hip- width apart.
- Your spine will be in a neutral position with your head aligned.
- Now, inhale and slowly get into the downward dog position.
- Stay in this position for few breaths.
- Now inhale and raise your right leg upwards and come into a lunge position with your hands raised up, palms facing inwards.
- Keep your torso straight, your right thigh will be almost parallel to the floor whereas your left leg will have a slight bend.
- Stay in this position for few breathes and slowly return to the original position.
- Repeat for the left leg. Perform this asana for desired repetitions.
- Completely stretches the hips and leg muscles
- Improves concentration and balance
- Expands your chest and shoulders
- Develops stamina and endurance in your thighs Relaxes the mind
8- Savasana (Corpse Pose)

- Lie comfortably on your back.
- Your legs can rest 2-3 feet apart.
- Allow your feet to relax and roll open.
- Separate your arms from your body to a 45-degree angle.
- Palms face up.
- Close your eyes and scan your body mentally- from top to bottom.
- Release tension from each part of the body.
- Savasana relaxes your whole body.
- Releases stress and tension.
- Relaxes your muscles.
- Calms the mind.
- Stimulates blood circulation.
For a healthy and peaceful life, Make Yoga a HabitYou can find many yoga asanas on the internet according to your practiceSimply make yoga your children’s habit.
Yoga improves emotional regulation, increases empathy, and boosts the mood.
It reduces anxiety and stress in them by bringing a sense of calmness
Happy International Yoga Day

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