“Tell me what happened exactly?” I repeated my question, and waited for her to respond.
Her mumbling and pauses were the signal that something heavy was weighing her heart down.
“I am sure there’s something you want to tell me…I am LISTENING.”

All of a sudden, she started venting her emotions that were building up tension in her mind. And in no time those voices changed their form and found way through her eyes.
A tsunami of tears seemed washing away her emotional burden.
I would have hugged Martha, my neighbour, if we were face to face.
I sat SILENT, and waited for her to calm down.
Emotional venting to a confidant can lead a person towards the path of healing.

Compassionate listening heals! Listen to those close to you, or to the ones you wish were closer to you. Be a deep listener!
Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person. You can call it compassionate listening. You listen with only one purpose: to help him or her to empty his heart. – Nhat Hanh

Disclaimer – This post is a personal view of the author.